Category Archives: Pet Health

Stay Current on Your Horse’s Deworming Rotation

Deworming refers to removing parasites in your horse’s digestive system. Horses catch worms when they are grazing with previously infected horses, who infect the soil with their manure. As your horse eats grass, they catch the worms by ingesting them. Since pastures can remain infected for years, deworming becomes a regular horse care routine that […]

Keep Candy Away from Pets This Halloween!

Halloween is the busiest time of year for pet poison helplines and emergency vet clinics. Pets frequently get into candy bags and crumpled costumes to access things that are simply not good for them. If you’d like to avoid any giant bills to your dog vet or cat vet in Cannon Falls, MN this year, […]

How to Tell if Your Small Pet Has Allergies

For humans who suffer from allergies, seasonal or otherwise, you know precisely how obnoxious it is to deal with the discomfort of these sensitivities. The same is true for your pets, because they can experience allergies, too. As a trusted cat and dog vet in Cannon Falls, MN, Dr. Thomas Winter has seen numerous patients […]

How to Manage Equine Allergies

When you first begin caring for a horse, you might not be aware that these gorgeous creatures are prone to allergic reactions. We may not often think of horses as having allergic reactions, but they absolutely do, just like people. These allergies manifest in much the same way as they do in humans, with runny […]

Traveling with Your Horse? Schedule a Coggins Test First

While you may not be attending as many horse shows or events right now, there are still horse activities to enjoy while social distancing. For example, you may wish to leave the state to go camping or trail riding. For these interstate adventures, your horse requires a Coggins test. This keeps equine infectious anemia (EIA) […]