Author Archives: admin

Time to Spay and Neuter Your Pets!

There’s a reason why animal rescues call this time of the year kitten or puppy season—it’s when the most litters are born and add to the number of animals who require homes. Cats and dogs can be spayed or neutered as early as four months old, with some feral kittens being neutered as young as […]

Time for Spring Equine Vaccinations!

COVID-19 has restricted the show circuit as well as trail rides, however you should not skimp on your horses vaccinations! Vaccines support essential immunity, and if a horse does get sick, the vaccine will lessen the impact of the illness. Call now to schedule an appointment with your Equine vet in Cannon Falls, MN. Here […]

Heartworm Prevention: Do It Now!

If you live in Cannon Falls, MN, now is a good time to see a dog vet for heartworm prevention. Spread by mosquitoes, heartworms are deadly parasites that are easier to prevent than treat. Since there are more mosquitoes in summer, it is a good idea to start preventatives before enjoying outdoor adventures with your […]

Does Your Pet Suffer from Storm or Firework Anxiety?

For most of us, a roaring thunderstorm can be a soothing reminder of the power of Mother Nature. Fireworks, similarly, can be a remarkable testament to the ingenuity of humankind. Unfortunately, a lot of dogs and cats are likely to disagree with these attitudes. As people, we have forewarning of these loud noises. We can […]

What Is the Canine Flu?

Every dog owner wants the best for their furry friend. That’s why we brush their teeth, give them baths and take them to the vet for their annual checkup. Keeping our family pet safe, however, also means identifying viral threats. Take, for instance, the canine flu—this potentially dangerous condition could have you bringing your dog […]