Author Archives: admin

Vaccine Recommendations for Small Pets

Even if your dog or cat stays indoors most of the time, they still need vaccinations. Some vaccines, like rabies, are required under the law if you license your dog or cat. Even if it is not legally required, vaccines fight against illnesses that can kill or disable your pet. They prevent the disease or […]

What Vaccines Do Horses Need in Spring?

It will soon be time for spring equine vaccines in Cannon Falls, MN! If you plan on trail riding or finding socially-distant shows, do not forget to call your horse vet and arrange for updated vaccines. Since farm calls cost extra, you may want to schedule other procedures and secure further confirmation that your horse […]

Do Horses Need Rabies Vaccines?

Rabies infection is not common with horses—only 30 to 60 horses catch rabies every year. However, rabies is difficult to diagnose and leads to painful and deadly symptoms. Infected horses suffer from lameness, colic, paralysis, incontinence, fever and depression, and most die within three to five days of infection. So, even with the low odds, […]

Keeping Small Pets Heartworm and Tickborne Illness Free

The best way to avoid heartworm and tickborne illnesses in your pets is to start a parasite control treatment. When you see your cat or dog vet in Cannon Falls, MN, they will assess your pet’s parasite risks and discuss controlling them. It’s a good idea to stay current on these treatments, since you otherwise […]

Does Your Horse Need a CBC and Blood Chemistry Profile?

Your horse vet in Cannon Falls, MN may use a CBC and blood chemistry profile to monitor your horse’s health or pinpoint the cause of any illnesses and injuries. Some owners order these tests as part of a regular exam, while others do so only when horses display alarming symptoms. No matter the role you […]